Peace, Purity, ..., and Praise 2Peter3: 14-18
Peter wraps up this letter to followers of Jesus Christ with an assumption; “since you are looking for these things:”
the world will grow increasingly immoral (2:14),
even some calling themselves Christian will deny the unique Lordship of Jesus Christ (2:1)
authority will be despised (2:10)
Jesus is coming again;
and with a call to diligence. We are to be diligent in
peace, purity, proclamation, proper prospective, spiritual progress, and praise of/to the Glory of God.
PEACE v.14
Because we are found in Jesus 1Peter1:3-4
God found you --- “His mercy;” He is the “cause”
Nothing can be hidden 1Corinthian4:5
Because our confidence is Jesus That confidence grows as: 2Peter1:5-11
Looks like: A desire to be more Christ-like, but an assurance that our security is in Him and therefore the ability to keep starting over in His grace and power.
PURITY v. 14
Spotless = how believers really are in Jesus
Blameless = others' perception of believers 1Peter2:13-24
Looks like: the “freedom” to suffer justly or unjustly – because of the sin of mankind or sinful decisions OR because of unfairness or pain directed against us or someone we love.
It is late. Romans13:10-12
There is still time. 2Peter3:9; Colossians4;3-5
We are the stewards 1Peter4:7-11
Looks like: Allowing God to give us ideas of ways to show-off Jesus... Doing what we do well and in God's power... Sticking to scriptural authority
As Paul wrote:
Inspired by Holy Spirit
With God's authority (as with all scripture)
Requiring and worthy of study- some more than the rest; i.e. last days; heaven; new bodies; Christ coming in judgment...
Scripture trumps experiences 2Peter1:16-21
Looks like: Bible in hand, using commentaries, checking source and popularity of doctrines and terms.
Instead of falling prey to false teachers
Avoid enticement- be steady 2Peter2:14
Grow / advance / increase in grace and knowledge of Lord and Savior
Grace Romans 3:24-26
Built up and together Ephesians2:19,ff; 1Peter2:1-9
Looks like: Being involved in study and practice - individually, as family, as member of church
Glory is for God only Isaiah42:8
In Jesus we behold God's glory John1:14 Jesus is God, therefore He receives glory now and for ever 2Peter1;1
Looks like: Constant repentance and obedience and proclaiming Jesus personal Lord and Savior.
Metanarrative of 1 and 2 Peter
The living holy God calls us to salvation, to hope, and to holiness under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
We will go through trials.
We will be challenged by poor and downright false doctrine.
But we must always be obedient to the call on our lives to glorify Jesus as God and Savior.
Jesus is always enough.
We tend to violate the first commandment which says I am the Lord your God who brought you out of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.
Not ahead of me, but before me – where I can see them; and I see everything.
So that means no other gods alongside the one True God.
When times get rough, we want to say, “Jesus is Lord but, I also need comfort and ease.”
When our faith gets tested, we want to say, “Jesus is Lord, but I also need to sight or experience or some feeling to prove that I am on the right track and to know that Jesus loves me.”
When our wife is not responding like we want, we want to say, “Jesus is Lord, but I also need some space from the one I vowed to love like Jesus loves me.”
When our husband is not responding properly, we want to say, “Jesus is my Lord, but I need freedom to run my own life because I cannot trust this man that Jesus told me to trust.”
When our parents seem too ignorant to understand what is really going on, we want to say, Jesus is Lord, but I will create a new commandment that says “honor your father and mother if they see things your way.”
When our job and our boss are becoming more and more difficult, we want to say, “Jesus is my Lord, but I also need to slough off or to complain or to take a few extra benefits.