Your Destination – Salvation 1Peter1:1-9
We are beginning a new series. We will be going through First and Second Peter, verse by verse. First Peter deals with the threat to the church from suffering. Second Peter addresses the threat to the church from false teachers.
We will accept the Apostle Simon Peter as the author through an amanuensis, Silvanus (5:12). The letter was probably written about A.D. 67, a couple of years before Peter's death. Peter writes from “Babylon” which could be actual Babylon, but more likely refers to Rome which was known as Babylon when Christians were called “evil-doers” during the times of persecution beginning with Nero.
God preserved this general letter for our day so that we may know that Christians ought to expect to suffer as Christ suffered. And in the midst of suffering we can allow the grace of God to be demonstrated in our lives. We will break the first chapter of 1Peter into four parts: Salvation Destined (vv1-9), Declared (vv10-12), Demonstrated (13-19), and Explained (20-25).
Ø From Peter
Apostle = messenger sent by Jesus Christ
Ø To Sojourners - exiles, pilgrims, strangers
Folks not at home
Settled but not permanent - Hebrews 11:13-16
■ Not going back - Hebrews 11:15 and John 15:19; 17:14
Dispersed = scattered or Sown in Asia Minor (and to us)
Elect (as opposed to the merely called – Matthew 22:14 [see vv.3, 5, 6, 12])
■ By God's sovereign choice (not by merit)
l received by faith alone
l those who reject God's offer are accountable whether by indifference (Matthew 22:5), rebellion (22:6) or self-righteousness (22:12)
■ According to God's Knowledge (foreknowledge) - He knows you can and will make it to heaven and can be used here on earth.
■ Because of The Holy Spirit's work in you - making you more and more like Jesus...more obedient to truth
■ Paid for and sealed with the Blood of Jesus Christ - and actually your blood belongs to Jesus Revelation12:11; 7:13-14,ff
Ø The Desired Effect on the Recipients
Grace = Spiritual blessing which makes us more aware of His sufficiency
Peace = Freedom from fear, passions, moral conflicts that distract from Jesus.
Ø Your Benefactor V.3 – God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Jesus with His dual nature – the God-Man - God is His God and God is His Father)
God has re-birthed you.
Gave you a hope that is alive...proven and guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus. If Christ is risen ... 1Corinthians 15:14, 17 (Having lived a clean life is not enough reward!)
Dead people don't inherit anything...
Ø Your Inheritance V.4
Incorruptible – indestructible and cannot be spent
Undefiled – flawless and stain-proof (by evil)
Unfading – colorfast and not effected by time
Reserved – guarded
For you – believer (a strong statement)
Ø Your Security V.5
By the Power of God – above every other power Colossians 1:13
Kept – a sentinel is posted
Through Faith – the intermediate agency IN GOD'S POWER – the immediate agency
Ready for Complete Deliverance - Romans 8:18; 1John3:2
Ø Your Cause for Rejoicing V.6 (You are part of the blessed Matthew 5:11-12)
The accomplishment of trials -
■ Faith proven – to you and to the world = great value
l V.7 Gold wears away
l Faith stands the test of fire better than gold.
■ Praise, Honor, and Glory to Jesus (He is shown off)
Ø Living the Blessing of John 20:29
Joy indescribable
Full of glory – like the face of Moses, except better 2Corinthians 3:9-13
Ø Signed Deed V.9 accomplished by Jesus – Hebrews 12:2
To and for those chosen by God (the elect)... Make the election results conclusive ... 2Peter 1:10
2Peter 1:1 = faith in the accomplished work of Jesus
VV.5-7 = repentance
Want to know if you have been nominated? 1Corinthians1:18
The story and the message of the cross is sheer absurdity and folly to those who are perishing and on their way to perdition, but to us who are being saved it is the [manifestation of] the power of God. [Amplified Version}