FBC George West broadcasts

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


My spiritually astute daughter-in-love recently published comments on her blog about the need for young women to learn to submit in everyday relationships in preparation for the marriage relationship. As she pointed out, the Bible tells us to submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21). The Bible also tells us that a purpose of the Body of Christ , the church, is to build each other up (Ephesians 4:15-16). Galatians 6:1-10, among other things, tells us to look after one another.

I tell people in our church that it is their job to make their fellow church member look good. It is the preacher's job to make the minister of music and the custodian look good. That does not preclude the pastor pointing out, in private, music that does not go along with the sermon topic or dirty spots on the carpet. But if there are songs he wants sung, he can tell his fellow minister. If there is trash on the floor, he can bend over and pick it up. If the sound cords need to be neatly coiled, anyone can do that, even if the custodian or the minister of music gets credit for the orderliness of the stage area when he did not actually order it.

Ultimately we want Jesus to look good. To show Him off, we do not always have to do stuff
for others, sometimes we need to do things with others; come along side them and share their burdens...even if they are not members of our church.