FBC George West broadcasts

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Jesus is The Bread of Life

Jesus is The Bread of Life John 6:35-60

This week we will begin looking at seven statements in the gospel of John the Jesus used to describe Himself. All of them begin with “I Am.” It was not by accident that Jesus used the same words/name that God used to answer Moses’ demand for an ID at the burning bush (Exodus 3).

In the events of John 6, the Jewish listeners are comparing Jesus to Moses. And before the chapter has ended, Jesus is comparing the people to those of Moses’ day.

Regardless of what point of history we choose to peak into, we will find that people have expectations and demands of God that are influenced by self-centeredness. Therefore, people often miss the meaning and blessing of God’s call and offer.

To put our text in context we will look at the whole chapter.


between John 5:47 and John 6:1

Ø Just a few well-known events: Multitudes healed by the Sea of Galilee -Luke 6:17-19; Sermon on the Mount- Luke 6:12-16; Widow’s son raised from dead -Luke 7:11-17; Famous Parables in Luke 8:4-18; Gadarene demoniac healed –Mark 5:1-20; Jairus’ daughter raised –Matthew 9:18-26; The sending out of the 12 and their return; and more… remember John’s intent for his account –John 20:31

JESUS NEVER CLAIMED “ME TIME.” All four gospels tell us Jesus and his closest followers were looking for some time to rest and debrief. However:

Ø The crowds pursued the miracles

Ø Jesus had compassion on the crowds -Mark 6:34

o He taught them.

o He healed them.

Ø He prepared to feed them.

o Presenting the problem to His followers - Philip was from Bethsaida, the nearest town (John1:44). If anyone would know where or how to remedy the need by human means, it would likely be Philip.

o Jesus used what was presented to Him – five barley loaves and two pickled fish.

o Jesus had a plan -John6:6


Ø *The people were hungry (not stingy) Liberal theologists suggest that the people actually had food but would not begin to each until Jesus started the ball rolling by offering food to others. There is nothing to indicate this as fact. To the contrary - *Jesus knew their hearts (and what was in their pockets and pouches) * The people afterward declared that it was a miracle (John6:14-16).

JESUS LEFT THE FANATICAL CROWD (and sent His disciples away … into a storm)

Ø Sometimes a disciple faces a storm because he disobeys such as in the case of Jonah.

Ø Sometimes a disciple faces a storm because he obeys – and Jesus has some things to teach through the storm.

Ø This time Jesus was rescuing His men from danger of pride … If the crowd had convinced the disciples that Jesus should be made king, it might have stirred hopes of official positions for His closest followers as well (prime minister Peter, king’s treasurer Judas).

Ø Miracles on the stormy sea – Jesus walking on water, Peter walking on water (Matthew 14:28,ff), sea is calmed, destination instantly reached.

JESUS TAUGHT THE PERSISTENT CROWD. They asked how he got there. Jesus taught them what they needed to know.

Ø Their interests had degenerated … from spiritual to miraculous to indulgent. Jesus confronted them with their true interest – food for their bellies without having to work for it.

Ø Jesus pointed them to their need.

o He used an OT principle (Isaiah 55:2)

o They focused on the wrong word: “labor” rather than “eternal” They asked, “What should we do to be saved. Man wants to be in charge of his destiny. Jesus points out that your destiny/salvation is in God’s hands. As with the feed of the five-thousand, God already has a plan… Jesus.

Ø Jesus says, “Believe on the One sent by God – Jesus”

Ø They focused on the wrong “hero” of the Old Testament

Ø “It was God, not Moses.” Manna was a symbol, (a gracious gift to a rebellious people) however, not the real life-giver.

Ø Manna eaters died. V.49

Ø Jesus receivers live forever. V.33, 35, 40 Those who receive Jesus by faith are:

o Given by the Father v.37, 39,

o By the will of the Father v.39, 40,

o Drawn by the Father v.44


Ø Eating the flesh and drinking the blood


o John does not even give an account of the last supper.

o Sarx vs Soma * *Soma = body (Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19) Sarx = flesh (John 6; 1John 4:2,3) The term Jesus uses in reference to the eating that is necessary is the term for flesh as opposed to body. In the accounts of the last supper, the memorial supper, the term used is always body. He is saying that you must accept Him in His totality so that His life become your life. He is speaking about an attitude and a commitment and a surrender, not a sacrament or a ritual. This is no justification for the false doctrine of transubstantiation (the belief that the elements of the Lord’s Supper actually are transformed into the human flesh and human blood of Jesus when received in the performance of the ritual/sacrament/ordinance of the church).

Ø Just as you receive food and drink into your body and it becomes part of you, so you must receive Jesus into your life and He must become a part of all that you are.

The Lord’s Supper is a reminder and a demonstration and a drama of the sacrifice and total commitment that Jesus made and that God the Father made and the kind of total commitment that we are called to… while we wait and serve in the short time between now and when we will see Jesus face to face. 1Corinthians 11:26