In John 11 we read the account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It is not Jesus’ last miracle but it is perhaps his greatest. This miracle raised the most response from Jesus’ friends and His enemies. It proved Jesus had power over death. This is not the only time Jesus raised someone from the dead, but it was the first time he raised someone who had been in the grave for four days. (There was a superstition in that day, that the spirit of a person hung over the body for three days. So if the right ritual was carried out within three days, life could be restored.)
Paul said, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” 1Corinthians 15:19. If Jesus does not have power over death, whatever else He can do amounts to nothing.
Jesus’ business is to deal with death. Our part is to believe. Faith or belief is a major emphasis in chapter 11 of John’s gospel. Another major emphasis is the glory of God. There are three groups in whom Jesus seeks to strengthen faith and reveal the glory of God…
THE DISCIPLES vv.1-16 a messenger to Jesus to tell of Lazarus’ illness v.3. Jesus’ encouraging message – v.4. Two more days then Jesus goes to Bethany – v.6. When Jesus arrives, Laz has been in the grave four days – v.17. (Laz died the day the messenger arrived to tell Jesus)
- Jesus’ message was still good news = believe His word even though circumstances are
- Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters – v.3
informs of need and reminds of love.
o Not a Pampering love but a Perfecting love
o Do not think that love and suffering are incompatible – consider Jesus, the beloved
son of God
- Christian comfort is not more important than God’s glory
- Jesus’ promise was not that Laz not die but that death would not win and God (the Son of
- Why Jesus waited
o To make a greater point? 4 days dead
o The timing of God vv.9-10 (the light of the Father’s will)
o The teaching of the disciples v.15
- Thomas - not great faith but great loyalty “Let’s go die with Him”
THE SISTERS vv.17-40
- Suffering and trial will increase faith if you respond positively to the Word and the Spirit of
- Martha the worker (Luke 10:38-42)
o “Even now” v.22 faithful hope
- The Doctrine of the Resurrection
§ Inspite of Psalms and Ecclesiastes that make the grave seem to be the end
§ Jesus has the final word, not David or Solomon Consider His own resurrection.
o Jesus IS (I Am) the Resurrection v.25
§ Out of a book and into a person
§ Out of the future and into the present vv.25-26
o Martha’s confession: Lord, Christ, Son of God
- Mary the thinker and feeler
- Fell at His feet (as in Luke 10:39 and John 12:3 see 11:2)
§ Groaning within as moved by indignation – sin> death, fear used as tools of Satan.
§ He knew He would raise Laz
- Love for Laz and the sisters
- Onlookers saw tears as hopelessness
o Didn’t I say? V.40
THE JEWS vv.41-57 the spectators
- Jesus prayed publicly – “ Father I thank you that you have heard Me…”
- Lazarus raised
- Because of Laz, many believed v.45
- Others sought to kill Jesus v.53
- As God planned vv.51-52
- Lazarus, the one delivered from death became a “marked man” v.12:10
Man is wholly depraved … even “if one went to them from the dead, they will not repent.” Luke 16:30 Dives, the rich man in the story Jesus told of the rich man and a begger named Lazarus who each died, had pled with Abraham to send someone back to life to warn his kin not to come to the place of toment. Abraham replied, “if one went to them from the dead, they will not repent.” This different Lazarus was raised from the dead and the opponents of God would begin to seek opportunity to take his life as well as Jesus', the one who raised him from the dead. They certainly did not turn to God because of the testimony of one raised from the dead... neither the testimony of Lazarus or Jesus. Nor will the testimony of us, who are raised with Christ be believed apart from the election and sovereign will of God and the convicting work of the Holy Spirit.
Except by the sovereign power and grace of God-
Jesus is the Resurrection, a Savior and a Redeemer, not just a doctrine. When you know Jesus as savior, you are resurrected and will never die. The sisters each said, “If you had been here, our brother would not have died.” No one ever died in Jesus’ presence. Believers live spiritually in Jesus' presence having been raised to walk in newness of life and will never die.