The Supplements that Assure 2Peter 1:1-11
the first general letter of Peter was addressed to those who were dealing with the dangers of physical persecution. This second letter deals with the equally (perhaps more) devastating problem of false teaching which robs believers of the assurance of their salvation, their respect for scripture, and their expectation of Jesus' second coming.
In the first few sentences of this letter, Peter affirms the source and sufficiency of our salvation in Jesus Christ. He continues to assure believers of the certainty of salvation by faith in Jesus.
Because the believer has received all the exceedingly great and precious promises (v.1:4) and everything that pertains to life and godliness (v.1:3) there is an Appropriate Response which: Combats Doubt; Supplies Assurance; Produces Fruit
to the gifts and promises of God in Jesus
Diligence (v.5)- Not ...”Let go and let God.” rather – Make every effort to bring in or along side all zeal and eagerness with urgency.
Add (v.5)– supply fully – supplement – minister (another epi word – epichoregeo) to your faith:
Virtue = purpose fulfilled – Bearing God's Image (not polished human image)
Knowledge = discernment – truth properly understood and applied.
Temperance/self-control = faith is not to be divorced from conduct Proverbs 25:28; 1Corinthian9:24-27
NOTE Properly handling the pleasures of life
Patience/perseverance = Properly handling the pressures of life – enduring problems and problem people James 1:2-8
Godliness = to worship well – living above the petty 1Timothy 4:8
Brotherly Kindness = the companion of love for God – We love our brothers because of their likeness to us. John13:35; James2:10
Love = agape = sacrificial love – loving our brothers in spite of differences.
These characteristics do not point to the man or woman displaying them, but to the Spirit of God who produces them.
Why Doubts
The Sinfulness of sin
Failing to Trust Completeness of the Gospel Hebrews7:25; Romans8:30
The Past
Remembered – all forgiven? 1John2:1-2,12
Forgotten – the exact day
The Present – trials Count it joy... whom He loves He chastens
Willful Sin
The Damage of Doubts
Enjoyment missed - assurance – obedience from love
Purpose missed Romans 11:29
Gratitude and praise forgone
Patience robbed Miss God's purpose in trials
Purifying hope missing 1John3:2-3
Growth is a sign of life.
Living a life that can only be explained by God's activity.
Progression in faith backs up your profession of faith.
Avoid stumbling (v.10)into doubt and despair or fear
Remembers purification
Fruitfulness (v.8)= The kind of conduct and character God can trust with blessing
Vision (v.9) = not shortsighted = seeing beyond your neighborhood John4:35
True Knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ (v.8)= not just about Jesus, but saving, relational knowledge of Jesus
Lavish provision of life in the eternal kingdom of Jesus
Some Christians will barely make it to heaven 1Corinthian3:15. But there is the option of lavish reward. Diligently add virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, love to your faith in Jesus Christ.