FBC George West broadcasts

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jesus Emptied Philippians2:7, Matthew20:18-19

We begin a three week series on the important empty things we celebrate as followers of Lord Jesus Christ. We will consider: Jesus Emptied; the Empty Cross; and the Empty Tomb.

Jesus is our Creator, Sustainer, Savior, Lord, and example. He is eternal God, the Only Begotten Son, and the Lamb that was slain before the world was made. He has always been. He has always been God Even when He was on earth bodily among men, He was “God with us.”...fully God while fully man.

We call Him – Lord Jesus Christ. We will talk about what those names mean and what/who Jesus was and what He emptied Himself of as referred to in Philippians2:7.

THEOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY – Did Jesus give up some of His divine attributes while on earth?

  • Late 19th - early 20th century Germany and England

    • View not advocated up to that point in history of the the Christian church...based on one word in one verse. Philippians2:7 kenosis (kenotic theology=Jesus, God, for a time gave up some of his Godlike qualities, those that were most difficult for people to accept in the modern world.)

    • Source of new interpretation – NOT a better understanding of original language or culture of Philippians2:7... RATHER discomfort with reconciling modern (then) rational and “scientific” thinking with a Jesus who was fully human and fully, absolutely God at the same time.


  • Modernism = Rational thinking replaces acceptance of tradition, religion, faith. Truth must be demonstrable / scientific

  • Post-Modernism = There is not rational reasoning. There is no absolute truth. All truth is relative. Something can be true and untrue at the same time.


  • NOT His Omnipotence – Matthew8:26-27; 14:19; John2:1-11; Colossians1:17

  • NOT His Omniscience – Mark2:8; John6:64; 2:25

  • NOT His Omnipresence – Matthew18:20

  • NOT His Sovereignty – Mark2:5-7; Matthew5:22, 28,32,34,39,44; 11:26-27

  • NOT His Immortality – John2:19 (Jesus really died. i.e. he was raised from the dead – Jesus said He would have an active role in his own resurrection); John10:17-18; 18:37

  • NOT His Worthiness of Worship – Matthew2:11; 8:2; 9:18; 14:33; 15:25; John9:35-39


  • And took on the form of a servant.

    • To show us the attitude we should have Phil.2:5

    • To show us the way we should live Phil.2:12-17


  • With a Will to bring into subjection – tempted Matthew4; John5:30; 6:38; Mark14:36

  • With Physical and Emotional limitations – wept, tired, hungered, thirsted, struggled against death and shame, bled and died


    • To represent obedience Romans5:18-19

    • To be substitute sacrifice

    • To be the one mediator between God and man

    • To fulfill God's original purpose for man to rule over creation (by obeying God, He has the right to rule over creation as man.)

    • To be our example and pattern of life


  • Only God could bear the full penalty for all sin

  • Salvation is from the Lord-only He can save Jonah2:9 ;Psalm3:8; Jeremiah3:23; Acts2:21; 4:12

  • Mediator between God and man need be fully God

Jesus (man) Lord (God) Christ (substitute and mediator)

Paradoxes 1) Jesus fully God and fully man

2) God calls and chooses those who will be saved and Each person is responsible for his/her decision to trust or reject Jesus as Lord and Savior. Ephesians1:4; 1Peter1;20; Revelation22:17; John3:15-18; Romans10:11,13

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Peace, Purity, ..., and Praise 2Peter3: 14-18

Peter wraps up this letter to followers of Jesus Christ with an assumption; “since you are looking for these things:”

  1. the world will grow increasingly immoral (2:14),

  2. even some calling themselves Christian will deny the unique Lordship of Jesus Christ (2:1)

  3. authority will be despised (2:10)

  4. Jesus is coming again;

and with a call to diligence. We are to be diligent in

peace, purity, proclamation, proper prospective, spiritual progress, and praise of/to the Glory of God.

PEACE v.14

  • Because we are found in Jesus 1Peter1:3-4

    • God found you --- “His mercy;” He is the “cause”

    • Nothing can be hidden 1Corinthian4:5

  • Because our confidence is Jesus That confidence grows as: 2Peter1:5-11

  • Looks like: A desire to be more Christ-like, but an assurance that our security is in Him and therefore the ability to keep starting over in His grace and power.

PURITY v. 14

  • Spotless = how believers really are in Jesus

  • Blameless = others' perception of believers 1Peter2:13-24

  • Looks like: the “freedom” to suffer justly or unjustly – because of the sin of mankind or sinful decisions OR because of unfairness or pain directed against us or someone we love.


  • It is late. Romans13:10-12

  • There is still time. 2Peter3:9; Colossians4;3-5

  • We are the stewards 1Peter4:7-11

  • Looks like: Allowing God to give us ideas of ways to show-off Jesus... Doing what we do well and in God's power... Sticking to scriptural authority


  • As Paul wrote:

    • Inspired by Holy Spirit

    • With God's authority (as with all scripture)

  • Requiring and worthy of study- some more than the rest; i.e. last days; heaven; new bodies; Christ coming in judgment...

  • Scripture trumps experiences 2Peter1:16-21

  • Looks like: Bible in hand, using commentaries, checking source and popularity of doctrines and terms.


  • Instead of falling prey to false teachers

    • Avoid enticement- be steady 2Peter2:14

  • Grow / advance / increase in grace and knowledge of Lord and Savior

    • Grace Romans 3:24-26

    • Built up and together Ephesians2:19,ff; 1Peter2:1-9

  • Looks like: Being involved in study and practice - individually, as family, as member of church


  • Glory is for God only Isaiah42:8

  • In Jesus we behold God's glory John1:14 Jesus is God, therefore He receives glory now and for ever 2Peter1;1

  • Looks like: Constant repentance and obedience and proclaiming Jesus personal Lord and Savior.

Metanarrative of 1 and 2 Peter

The living holy God calls us to salvation, to hope, and to holiness under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

We will go through trials.

We will be challenged by poor and downright false doctrine.

But we must always be obedient to the call on our lives to glorify Jesus as God and Savior.

Jesus is always enough.

We tend to violate the first commandment which says I am the Lord your God who brought you out of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.

Not ahead of me, but before me – where I can see them; and I see everything.

So that means no other gods alongside the one True God.

When times get rough, we want to say, “Jesus is Lord but, I also need comfort and ease.”

When our faith gets tested, we want to say, “Jesus is Lord, but I also need to sight or experience or some feeling to prove that I am on the right track and to know that Jesus loves me.”

When our wife is not responding like we want, we want to say, “Jesus is Lord, but I also need some space from the one I vowed to love like Jesus loves me.”

When our husband is not responding properly, we want to say, “Jesus is my Lord, but I need freedom to run my own life because I cannot trust this man that Jesus told me to trust.”

When our parents seem too ignorant to understand what is really going on, we want to say, Jesus is Lord, but I will create a new commandment that says “honor your father and mother if they see things your way.”

When our job and our boss are becoming more and more difficult, we want to say, “Jesus is my Lord, but I also need to slough off or to complain or to take a few extra benefits.


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Spiritual Recovery Plan – Jesus' Soon Return 2Peter3:1-13

There are philosophical and theological differences among believers. Some of these differences are caused by poor doctrinal teaching. Some are caused by a desire to be comfortable in this world. Even in Peter's day, there was the uniformitarianism (“all continues just as it was from the creation”) versus catastrophism (“earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed being flooded with water...”) controversy over origin and design of the universe. And even then, there was an attending contemptuous mocking and sarcastic ridicule of those who believed in intelligent design.

Now, we do not believe that the false teachers were believers, but some who followed them were.

In this section of holy scripture, Peter seeks to reanimate the purified and uncontaminated mind that the Holy Spirit gives to each believer at salvation. He does this by reminding us of the infinity (Psalm90:2 “from everlasting to everlasting”) of God and the immutability (Malachi 3:6 “I am the Lord, I change not) of God. And in reminding us of who and how God is, we are called to evaluate our life ...”what sort of people ought you to be...”

The Word of God has promised that Jesus is coming again.! God keeps His promises.


  • Our Blessed Hope Titus 2:11-14 Tit 2:13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,

  • Our Longing and the Climax of Salvation Romans8:23; groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

    Matthew25:31-46 Mat 25:34 Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

  • Our Redemption as Believers Ephesians4:30 Eph 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

    .and the judgment of Christ rejectors 2Thessalonians2:1-12 2Th 2:12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    :13 But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth. :14 To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • The Inauguration of Jesus' Earthly Kingdom Revelation20:6 Believes will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.

  • Our Bodies will be Resurrected and Renewed 1Thessalonians 4:13-18 bring with Him those who have died in Christ and remaining will meet Him in the air; 1Corinthians15:42-50 mystery, not all will die but all will be changed

  • Our Works will be Rewarded Matthew25:21,23 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.' Revelation11:18 18 The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth." ; 1Corinthian3:12-15 builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw-- 1Co 3:13 each one's work will become manifest,

  • World System will be made Righteous Isaiah9:6 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

HOW SHOULD WE LIVE? Revelation 22:6-12

  • In Obedience to Christ Rev.22:6-7

    • Immediate obedience Romans13:11 as if running out of time.

    • In hope that purifies 1John3:3

  • In Worship Rev.22:8-9 God is the object

    • Psalm 26

      • Worshiper:

        • Trusts v.1 stated and demonstrated

        • Praises God's Loving Kindness v.3

        • Walks in truth v.3

        • Avoids evildoers v.4-5

      • Worship

        1. Thanksgiving v.7

        2. Praise v.7b

        3. Love of God's presence and people v.8

        4.Trust v.11b

        5. Commitment v.12

  • In Telling the World About Jesus and Judgment Rev.22:10-11

  • In Working Rev.22:12

    • Do not overlook the significance of one day 2Peter3:8 This is a very important day... in regard to a casual attitude toward sin “only once,” … but neither in regard to the sacrifice of Jesus for sins of those who trust Him.


  • That the deceiver wants to make it a non-issue 2Peter3:4

  • That there is special blessing for those who focus on Jesus' return Revelation1:3

  • That there is special punishment for those who take away from the prophesies of His return Revelation22:18-19

  • That the final words of the Holy Bible include: “Surely I am coming quickly.”

God is faithful to His Word. Jesus is coming quickly.

Revelation 22:17 Thirsty? Come!