FBC George West broadcasts

Monday, May 04, 2009

Second Experience”

Texts used to justify the doctrine that Christians today should ask Jesus for a “baptism in the Holy Spirit” and thus follow the pattern of the first century disciples:

Acts 2; Acts 8:14-17; Acts 10:44-48; Acts19:4-6 and (a passage critical to Pentecostal theology) 1Corinthians 12:13.

Starting with the last – the verse 1Cor.12:13 is traditionally read as “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” by those who support the Pentecostal view (Spirit as baptizer). See the note in the margin of NIV which would translate the verse as, “For we were all baptized in one Spirit into one body...and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.” The NIV reading would have this baptism event referring to the same event as Matthew 3:11; Mark1:8; Luke3:16; John1:33 (with Jesus as the baptizer).

So, what happened at Pentecost, especially in light of John20:22? Evidently those gathered in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost were already believers (if not before Jn.20:22, certainly after). The disciples had not received the new covenant empowering for ministry until Pentecost - 10 days after they last saw Jesus (at His ascension / 40 days after His crucifixion). On the Day of Pentecost, the promise of Jesus, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8) was fulfilled. It also fulfilled the prophesy of Joel (as Peter told Act2:16). And this was done as Jesus returned to heaven and exercised His authority (Acts2:33)

This new power for ministry and witness (Eph.4:8,11-13), for victory over sin (Rom.6:11-14)and over Satan (2Cor.10:3-4) for all believers, was part of the new covenant in Christ, was for the building up of the body of Christ, the church ,and was not to be used for individual gratification. It was a mark that salvation was no longer limited to the Jews.

As the gospel began to go out beyond Jerusalem, to Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the world, the evidence of the new covenant - another Counselor, not only with you but in you - followed the proclamation and acceptance of the gospel.

Samaria Acts 8 – When the Samaritans heard the preaching of Philip, they “believed the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.”(Acts8:12) Verses 14-17 would seem to indicate that perhaps God waited to give the new covenant empowering of the Holy Spirit to the Samaritans directly through the hands of the apostles so that it would be evident to all that the Samaritans were not second-class citizens in the kingdom but full members of the church. (thus kind of a Samaritan Pentecost especially significant in including the mixed race)

Cornelius' household Acts 10 – As Peter preached, the people believed and as they believed they received the Holy Spirit. These were Gentiles.

The disciples of John Ephesus Acts 19 – There is no evidence that they had believed in Jesus as savior and risen Lord since they had not even heard that there was a Holy Spirit. It is unlikely that they had heard of Christ's death and resurrection.

Thus there seems to be no New Testament texts which encourage us to seek a second experience after conversion.

Being Filled With the Spirit Ephesians 5:18 (present tense, imperative = be continually being filled...)

This fullness will result in renewed worship, thanksgiving, and obedience. Some contend that if at conversion one is filled with the Spirit then as a full glass of water cannot get any “fuller,” this would be a frustrating and impossible-to-obey command. But real people of God can grow and be able to contain more and more of the Holy Spirit's fullness and power. A balloon would make a better analogy that a glass of water. A balloon which is considered full of air though little air is in it, can expand when more air is blown in and in a sense become “more full.” (Systematic Theology , W. Grudem)

Not Orphans John 14:16-18 (part 2)

The Holy Spirit reveals the Lamb of God (John 1:29-34). The Holy Spirit helps us worship (John4:23-24, Romans8:5). The Holy Spirit came to indwell those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior after Jesus was glorified (John7:38-39) – a permanent indwelling of those who have been born again.

John's account of Jesus' upper room discourse teaches us a great deal about God, the Holy Spirit.


  • Comforter / Advocate / Counselor / Fortifier (Parekletos) John14:16, 26; 15;26; 16:7; 1John2:1

    • Called alongside to work in us and through us – NOT – instead of us.

  • Spirit of Truth John14:16; 17:17

    • The Spirit inspired the Word of God.

    • The Spirit illumines the Word of God.

    • Never works contrary to the Word of God.

      • To be Spirit filled is to be Word filled – compare Ephesians5:18-6:9 (spirit filled) with Colossians3:16-4:1 (word filled) = same result.


  • To guide and guard and teach like Jesus did when He was with the disciples in the flesh

  • The world cannot receive the Spirit v.17

    • Because they walk by sight and therefore cannot understand things that are spiritual.

    • Because they do not know Jesus – There is no knowing the Spirit apart from knowing Jesus.

  • To call back into line and to encourage to keep moving forward as Jesus did.


  • God's peace is based on relationship.

    • Not worldly (visible) resources

    • Not personal ability / power

    • Not necessarily an absence of trouble / trials

  • Not all internal – The Spirit uses the Word of God (external) v.26b teaches us not drags us to Word

    • Holy Spirit wrote the Word of God through men 2Peter1:21

    • Holy Spirit made sure Jesus' instruction to the church was preserved - Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. “

    • Holy Spirit brings God's Word to our minds

      • That new understanding

      • That scripture that encouraged or restrained


  • Do not let the world surprise you. vv.15:18-19

  • Holy Spirit will confirm who Jesus is to you v.15:26

  • Holy Spirit will confirm who Jesus is through you v.15:27

  • Holy Spirit comes to the church NOT to the world v.16:7 working through the people of God (His body) as on Pentecost, He spoke through Peter and believers.

    • To bring the lost world to conviction v.8 of sin = unbelief v.9 ; John3:18-21. (He uses believers to expose the unbelief of the world.)

    • To bring conviction of righteousness v.10 = Jesus is Savior. v.13-14 glorify Jesus

    • To bring conviction of judgment v.11 = Satan is judged and anyone who is “of the world” is condemned along with the devil.


  • Ordained (informally) men and women who were hiding to go represent Him by His Spirit

  • Enabled (breathed – made them alive Genesis2:7) by His Spirit to proclaim / declare / announce forgiveness of sin. (not in contradiction to Mark2:7)

PENTECOST Acts2 The fullness of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon the church, the body of Christ.

See the next article in reference to “second experiences – baptism in and filling with the Holy Spirit” subsequent to salvation.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Not Orphans God the Holy Spirit (part 1) John 14:16-18

For a couple of Sundays we will look at what is revealed about God the Holy Spirit in the gospel of John. To some Christians, the Holy Spirit is the coach who determines who is “first team” and who is “scrubs.” Some believe that someone can be a child of God without being made so by the Holy Spirit, thus the question of whether a believer is spirit-filled or spirit-baptized. And then there is the question of spiritual gifts. All these topics are not dealt with in the Gospel of John, but the function of the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit, is described and displayed in John's Gospel.

Thus we will see that God-the Holy Spirit:


Where is the lamb?” John 1:29-34

  • The Holy Spirit gave permanent proof that Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

    • John recognized Him before the Spirit descended in a visible form - Matthew 3:14

      • John was filled with the Holy Spirit from before his birth Luke1:15, 41

    • The Spirit descended (Mark1:8; Matthew3:11; Luke3:16) and remained on Jesus –

      John 1:32

  • The witness of the Spirit gave John the baptizer the confidence and the inspiration to proclaim that Jesus is the Lamb of God – Not just once – John 1:29, 36

  • The witness of the Holy Spirit gave John assurance of validity of his ministry. “This is he of whom I said...”v.30

    • Old Testament Holy Spirit experience:

      • Given to those whom God would use to lead or defend His chosen people. Not necessarily people who were in a sold-out relationship with God. Numbers 11:16-30(elders of the exodus); 1Samuel19:19-24(Saul's flunkies and Saul)

        • These guys preached the glory of God – the Holy Spirit always testifies of God as redeemer and deliverer.

      • The Spirit of God was placed upon and removed from individuals

        Judges15:14, 16:20(Samson); Psalm51:11(David)


  • Only those who have the indwelling Holy Spirit and who obey the truth can worship God acceptably. v.24 (“for God is Spirit...” therefore we can see that the Holy Spirit is God- not just an impersonal “force”)

    Also Romans 8:5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.”

  • True worship, led by the Spirit, founded in the Truth, is in contrast to legalistic worship that has requirements of specific places (Mecca, Jerusalem) and maintains barriers between Jews and Gentiles. Spiritual worship sets us free to love the unlovely as God has done with us.


after Jesus was glorified;

  • Jesus was glorified in His death John 12:23-24

    • as perfect obedience to will of Father

    • as perfect substitutionary sacrifice for those whose trust in Jesus as only Lord and Savior

      • The Lamb sacrificed restores us to the relationship God had with man in Eden.

  • Poured out on believers on Day of Pentecost (50 days after the cross) Acts2


whoever believes in Jesus

  • Not Varsity and Junior Varsity Christians some with the Spirit and some who might yet achieve it. 1Corinthian12:3-7, 13; Ephesians4:7-12

  • Not only for the benefit of believers. Only believers receive the Holy Spirit indwelling. But because it is “rivers,” it benefits more than just the recipient. John7:38; John4:14

Jesus is glorified. So now you can receive refreshing (recovery of breath) from the Lord. NOTE: “recovery of breath” as when something precious to you has been lost or taken away and it causes that hit-in-the-stomach feeling that takes your breath away... God-the Holy Spirit restores your breath when you repent and turn again to God. Acts 3:19-20 (re. Acts 3:20 note that the Holy Spirit's name is Jesus)

If the Holy Spirit has shown you that Jesus is the sacrifice (Lamb) for your sin. Repent, turn to God from running your life, and you will receive new life, new breath. The Holy Spirit will come to live in you and through you. He will convince you that Jesus is the Savior. He will allow you, help you worship God. He will help you relate to holy God. And, He, the Holy Spirit, will gift you to bless the church and be a blessing through the church to people around you in Jesus' name.

Next week we will look at Holy Spirit fortifying, indwelling, teaching, reminding, testifying, convicting, guiding, glorifying, and being received in John chapters 14-16 and 20.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jesus Ascended Hebrews1:1-4; Acts1:9-11; 1Timothy3:16; Acts5:30-32; Acts2:22-33;

Last week, as we considered the resurrection of Jesus, an effort was made to emphasize that Jesus was raised with a physical body. He likewise ascended in a physical body. I want to make this point because, sometimes we adopt the Greek philosophy that creation is divided into material and spiritual with the material being bad and the spiritual or immaterial being bad. And some would use that to indict God of making a mistake in creation and excuse the acts of their own physical body as beyond control since they are part of the faulty and wicked material realm.

However, the bodily resurrection and the bodily ascension of Jesus Christ, as well as the Biblical descriptions of Heaven as a material place (redeemed creation) remind us that God makes no mistakes, that the redemption in Jesus is a total redemption, that those who have departed this life having trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior are now physically with Him, and Jesus will physically (“in the same way” Acts1:11) return.

Jesus is now ascended:

EXALTED TO THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER Hebrews1:3; Acts5:31; Acts7:55-60; Philippians2:9

  • hupsoō = to be lifted up literally or figuratively John 3:14, 12:32

  • Right Hand = Place of righteousness and strength Psalm48:10, 80:17

    • Jesus said He would be there Matthew26:64

    • Steven saw Jesus there Acts7:55-60

  • Ruling Ephesians 1:20-22; 1Corinthian15:27

    • His rule is our hope Ephesians1:17-20 That is what Steven saw that enable him to -

      • testify ... and to forgive

ACCESSIBLE TO ALL WHO CALL ON HIS NAME Hebrews 4:13-16, 7:25, 13:6

  • Not now limited to a locality as He was when on earth. Hebrews 9:24

  • Able to save and to keep those who call on His name. Hebrews 7:25 [Name = authority, character John17:6(Jesus showed the character -name-of God the Father.]

  • Able to help and He is sympathetic Heb.4:13-16

  • It honors Jesus to call on Him – it gives recognition to His holding all things and knowing all things and being able to do all things and meet all needs. Hebrews1:3

  • Jesus is with us as we carry the gospel to the world. Matthew 28:20


  • He took some with Him (Old Testament believers) Ephesians 4:8

  • He has prepared a place for all believers since He ascended John 14:1-3


  • Mystery – not something hidden or unrevealed, rather something sacred and therefore appreciated only by those “on the inside,” in this case, those interested in godliness – pleasing God. In verse 9, the reference is to the gospel.

  1. Jesus was manifested in the flesh – indicating that He was in existence before He was incarnate

  2. Vindicated by the Spirit - Romans1:4 – “by His resurrection from the dead”

  3. Seen by angels – Acts 1:10-11 at His ascension – giving them insight into the plan of God for man's redemption. 1Peter1:12

  4. Proclaimed among the nations (“ethnos”) Repentance is available even to the Gentiles

  5. Taken up in glory


  • The church of the living Savior needs to have credibility as the “pillar and buttress of truth.”(ESV)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Tomb Emptied Luke 24:1-12; 1Corinthian15:12-19

    +It was prophesied in advance. Isaiah 53:8-12

    +Jesus predicted His resurrection. Matthew12:38-40; Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:33; John 2:18-22

    +Jesus died on the cross. A night of trials, beatings, exhaustion; scourged; crucified by professionals; spear into side and heart; wrapped in one hundred pounds of linens and spices; three days in a tomb without water, food, or medical attention. John 19:34, 1Corinthians 15:3

    +Jesus was buried in a tomb that was easy to find. Isaiah53:9, Matthew 27:57-60

    +Jesus appeared physically alive three days after His death. Matthew28:9; John20:17,20-28; Luke 24:36-43

    +It was recorded in scripture soon after it happened.(as early as 37AD, no later than 65AD) Mark 14:53,ff

    +It convinced His family to worship Him as God. John 7:5, Matthew13:55; Acts1:14; 1Corinthians 15:7; James1:1; Jude 1:1 (from various sources including Evidence That Demands a Verdict – Josh McDowell and Vintage Jesus – Mark Driscoll)

It is essential to Christianity that Jesus is risen from the dead. It is the proof of the truthfulness of Jesus. It is the proof of the power of Jesus (His deity). It is the proof of purpose of Jesus.


  • New Testament Accounts -

    • Gospels and Acts 3:15; 4:10; 10:40; 13:30

  • New Covenant Activity

    • Jesus intercedes Hebrews 7:25

    • Jesus reigns 1Corithians 15:25

    • Jesus is exalted Acts 5:30-31

    • Jesus is head of the church Ephesians5:23

    • Jesus is returning 1Thessalonians 4:16


  • A New Kind of Man 1Corinthians 15:20, 23

    • NOT Resuscitated (like Lazarus), but with a perfect body with no weakness, no effects of aging, no death – able to live eternally 1Corinthian15:42-44

    • Physical, Material Body – “Spiritual” does not preclude “material.” Rather = “Suited to and responsive to the guidance of the Spirit” (Systematic Theology -Wayne Grudem ) Jesus had put on immortality .

    • Body returned to the perfection that God originally created Genesis 1:31

  • Recognized / Not Recognized John20:19-20 vs John20:14-15

    • Dark John20:1; Kept from recognition Luke24:16; Eyes were opened Luke24;31

    • Effects of Amazement, Fear, the differences of the effects of suffering, hardship, grief, etc.

    • Hand, Feet, Food – Luke24:39-43

  • Appearing and Disappearing? Luke24:31, 36; John20:19,26 (consider Acts8:39; 12:5-10)


  • God Created Good Genesis 1:31

    • The problem is not “material creation.” Going to be new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells 2Peter3:13 free from bondage to decay Romans8:21

  • Mankind is the pinnacle of God's creation (with physical bodies)

  • Jesus, in a perfected physical body, ascended, reigns, and will return for those who remain.


  • Proves Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. John11:25; Hebrews7:16

  • Ensures our Regeneration 1Peter1:3, Ephesians2:5-6; Philippians3:10

    • The spiritual power that works in us to enable us to walk in newness of life Romans6:4-11

  • Ensures our Justification Romans4:25/Eph. 2:6

  • Ensures our Perfected Resurrected Bodies 1Corinthian6:14; 15:20; 2Corinthians4:14


  • Come to Him as Lord and Savior Acts4:10-12

  • Be Encouraged/ Stop Sinning Colossians3:1-4; Romans6:12-13

  • Judgment Comes John5:16-30

Sunday, April 05, 2009

THE CROSS EMPTIED John19:13-22, 33-42

The triumphal entry began a week that would include Jesus teaching about His second coming (Matthew 24 and 25), His high priestly prayer (John 17), and the institution of the Lord's Supper as well as the agony of Gethsemane and the passion of the cross. Palm Sunday marks the first of that week, but today we will focus on the end of that week of passion (passion: a Latin term coined to describe sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his death ).

Our Christianity has become so neat and sanitized that we lose sight of the lengths to which our Holy God has gone to reconcile mankind to Himself. We overlook the gore of the physical sacrifice Jesus made for us. We overlook the blood sacrifices that were paid by early believers and continue to be paid by believers today. In our effort to keep everything neat and clean, we fail to allow strugglers to share burdens which we can help bear (Galatians 6:2). God wants us to see the mess that Jesus came into; the mess that we are in; the mess that we are; the valley of the shadow of death through which Jesus, our Shepherd walks with those who are in relationship to Him.


  • Excruciating Pain (Latin: from the cross)

    • The Garden Luke 22:44 "hemohidrosis" or "hematidrosis"

    • Scourged Matthew27:26 skin stripped away from back and probably front of body. No limit to number of lashes Romans could give. Isaiah52:14 beaten beyond recognition

    • Crown of Thorns Matthew27:29, 30 Driven in to scalp by blows to the thorn covered head.

    • Stripped and nailed to the timbers of the cross.

  • Humiliation

    • Carrying the cross member (patibulum) Luke23:26 Jesus apparently too weakened.

    • Outside the city of Jerusalem for reasons of sanitation

    • Public as deterrent to criminals

  • For a detailed description of Jesus' crucifixion go to: http://www.blueletterbible.org click on commentaries and then Terasaka M.D., David and you will see the link to Medical Aspects of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ


  • Sinful and self centered Isaiah53:6; Roman3:10-18

  • Just Penalty for sin Romans2:6-9, 6:23

  • Iniquity

  • Worldly Sorrow 2Corinthians7:10 reaction of proud heart – worldly remedies: 1) learn from mistakes and grow. 2) turn up the music. 3) deny guilt and dive into the cause of sorrow. 4) blame others. 5) hate self/ sabotage self = death.


  • Repentance (does not equal guilt)

    • Starts with reality – Sin brings sorrow / shame – even if you are agnostic. (not socially imposed)

    • Godly Sorrow – brings repentance to salvation.

    • Understands that God is offended Psalm51 (re. 2Samuel chapters 11&12) When David looked at Bathsheba, he had contempt in his heart toward God. (“God, you and what you have given me is not enough.”)

    • Internal change of mind that leads to external change of living. Amos5:21,ff-”Stop playing religious games.” Matthew23:25-28-”Clean the inside first.”

  • Regeneration Exodus20:1-6

    • Jealous God = because of relationship / betrothal - not insecurity.

    • Heart is empty outside of that relationship. No other lover/god will do.

    • New creature 2Corinthians5:17;

    • No condemnation Romans8:1-14

DELIGHT OF THE SAVED Romans3:23-26 Because Jesus paid my debt (the cross is empty), I can have a relationship with God. He has caused me to have hope.

The Image: Becoming the same flesh -eat his body and drink his blood.

Messy: recurring offenses; family help; need for constant “gardening”/digging and dunging.

Because we are imperfects in a growing relationship w/ God.

You can have a car and never drive it. You can have money and never spend it. You can have knowledge and never display it.


You cannot have a life without living it. If the activity of your life does not show the influence of Jesus (fruit) then you do not have the life of Jesus.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jesus Emptied Philippians2:7, Matthew20:18-19

We begin a three week series on the important empty things we celebrate as followers of Lord Jesus Christ. We will consider: Jesus Emptied; the Empty Cross; and the Empty Tomb.

Jesus is our Creator, Sustainer, Savior, Lord, and example. He is eternal God, the Only Begotten Son, and the Lamb that was slain before the world was made. He has always been. He has always been God Even when He was on earth bodily among men, He was “God with us.”...fully God while fully man.

We call Him – Lord Jesus Christ. We will talk about what those names mean and what/who Jesus was and what He emptied Himself of as referred to in Philippians2:7.

THEOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY – Did Jesus give up some of His divine attributes while on earth?

  • Late 19th - early 20th century Germany and England

    • View not advocated up to that point in history of the the Christian church...based on one word in one verse. Philippians2:7 kenosis (kenotic theology=Jesus, God, for a time gave up some of his Godlike qualities, those that were most difficult for people to accept in the modern world.)

    • Source of new interpretation – NOT a better understanding of original language or culture of Philippians2:7... RATHER discomfort with reconciling modern (then) rational and “scientific” thinking with a Jesus who was fully human and fully, absolutely God at the same time.


  • Modernism = Rational thinking replaces acceptance of tradition, religion, faith. Truth must be demonstrable / scientific

  • Post-Modernism = There is not rational reasoning. There is no absolute truth. All truth is relative. Something can be true and untrue at the same time.


  • NOT His Omnipotence – Matthew8:26-27; 14:19; John2:1-11; Colossians1:17

  • NOT His Omniscience – Mark2:8; John6:64; 2:25

  • NOT His Omnipresence – Matthew18:20

  • NOT His Sovereignty – Mark2:5-7; Matthew5:22, 28,32,34,39,44; 11:26-27

  • NOT His Immortality – John2:19 (Jesus really died. i.e. he was raised from the dead – Jesus said He would have an active role in his own resurrection); John10:17-18; 18:37

  • NOT His Worthiness of Worship – Matthew2:11; 8:2; 9:18; 14:33; 15:25; John9:35-39


  • And took on the form of a servant.

    • To show us the attitude we should have Phil.2:5

    • To show us the way we should live Phil.2:12-17


  • With a Will to bring into subjection – tempted Matthew4; John5:30; 6:38; Mark14:36

  • With Physical and Emotional limitations – wept, tired, hungered, thirsted, struggled against death and shame, bled and died


    • To represent obedience Romans5:18-19

    • To be substitute sacrifice

    • To be the one mediator between God and man

    • To fulfill God's original purpose for man to rule over creation (by obeying God, He has the right to rule over creation as man.)

    • To be our example and pattern of life


  • Only God could bear the full penalty for all sin

  • Salvation is from the Lord-only He can save Jonah2:9 ;Psalm3:8; Jeremiah3:23; Acts2:21; 4:12

  • Mediator between God and man need be fully God

Jesus (man) Lord (God) Christ (substitute and mediator)

Paradoxes 1) Jesus fully God and fully man

2) God calls and chooses those who will be saved and Each person is responsible for his/her decision to trust or reject Jesus as Lord and Savior. Ephesians1:4; 1Peter1;20; Revelation22:17; John3:15-18; Romans10:11,13