FBC George West broadcasts

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

FOMN (father of many nations)

FOMN  >>> father of many nations

When our older son's wife was expecting their first child, they asked what I wanted to be called as the father of the father of the child. I said, "Father Of May Nations." I had visions of being grandfatherly, having a teaming crowd of adoring grandchildren gathered at my feet to be entertained and enlightened by my captivating wisdom. Well, they did their part pretty well, bringing forth four boys, but my feet wound up out of range of adoring congregating. The Lord took Judy and me to Mexico to pastor, about a thousand miles away from them. And at one point they followed the Lord to Haiti to do ministry there. 

Our second son did not start his family until his late 30s so he has only had time to father a couple of beautiful girls. Between that first planning session for the paterfamilias (me) and the time that my feet were within striking distance of the off-springs of my off-springs sufficient time has elapsed for the first to open the womb and the second have grown into young men. And the third and forth are not far from independence. So, the crowd of adoring nepos potumus (grandchildren) will be an assembly of seekers of wisdom and tales who will gather at varying elevations; many at higher altitudes than I first imagined.

Indeed, the gatherings may be totally a function of my aging imagination. 

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