FBC George West broadcasts

Monday, November 10, 2008

You Are Not Alone 1Peter 5:8-14

Let's set the stage. Imagine where Peter might have seen lions...probably not in a zoo...certainly not on a safari or a National Geographic TV special. He most likely had seen or known of the lions that were part of the gory Roman entertainment where victims faced lions in a public coliseum. Or maybe he thought back to pictures from the Old Testament such as Psalms 7:2; 10:9-10; 17:12. The warning is for believers to be on guard against the lion who is growling and intimidating and against the one who waylays his victim by hiding in the bushes waiting for him to pass by. Jesus said our adversary comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John10:10).

The call is not for us to hide or live in fear, neither is it to attack the devil or demons with prayers or formulas (Jude 8-ff); but to understand our need of the protection and power of God in our everyday lives and the lives of our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.


Adversary – opponent in a case of law

Devil - slanderer,false accuser

Intimidator - roaring, open mouthed Psalm22:13

What can the devil do?

  • Attack believers in the realm of personal relationships – family, church, work place

  • Attack the believers as the church –

    • Careless in responsibilities ... such as service and appointing leaders.

    • Cause possessiveness and lack of unity

    • Confuse the purpose of the church

  • Be used by God to strengthen and discipline believers (Job; 1Corinthian5:1-5)

What can we do?

  • Be sober = speaks against being intoxicated with alcohol + There are other things that can cause us to be as useless and careless as beverage alcohol... Luke 21:34 “heart overcharged (weighed down) with

    • surfeiting (excess) and drunkenness and cares of this life...”

    • Be watchful = be on guard as one who is in danger Matthew26:41; 6:13

    • Depend on God 1Peter5:6-7

    • Resist by firm faith = take a stand ... on the Word of God in faithful obedience to the Truth (the devil is a liar).

    COMMON AFFLICTION v.9b Hebrews 13:3

  • vom.org


  • Endure by looking ahead v. 10 Hebrews 12:2

  • Called you

  • 1)perfect, 2)establish, 3)strengthen, 4)settle (Lumber terms) 1)make the joints in the building complete; 2)make each part mutually supported; 3)bind every part so do danger of warping, splitting, or falling; 4)cause all to rest evenly and firmly on the best foundation.

  • Pray for others --- The Benedict missionary family in Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico ask their supporters to pray “When you see a Taco Bell”. It would be worth while to find something to remind you to pray for persecuted and other fellow believers.

  • Seek God's Glory v.11

Has He called you ?

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