FBC George West broadcasts

Thursday, June 29, 2006

If God is not gracious enough

If I get to judgement and find that God is not as gracious as I thought He was, I certainly hope that I find He is not as holy as I think He is. Because, there has never been a day, or for that matter an hour, when I have looked back and seen that I had lived perfectly God-honoring and holy for that period of time.
If God is not totally gracious and merciful...If the blood of Jesus does not cover each of my sins, confessed or unconfessed...If my faith in Jesus is not enough to have saved me and to keep me...If God grades on the curve, or if there is a sliding scale...Let me be in a group of sluggard at the throne.
Hebrews 7:25

1 comment:

Hendrick Family said...

Way to go on the "profundity."

I was just commenting on Mom's page that I love getting to hear what's going on in yall's brains.

Love you both.
